New Class Offerings:
Amulet Bag Necklace

2021 Bisbee Fiber Arts Retreat
June 11-13, 2021
Class Descriptions - Saturday, June 12th, 2021
Materials Fees are payable to instructor at time of class
(6-hour class)
Instructor: Ric Rao
Materials Fee: $20
Come and learn how to dye with Cochineal and Indigo. We will be dyeing silk scarves but everyone can take along silk yarns, wool, mohair, alpaca yarns. Everyone will receive 4 silk scarves and we will dye two red and over-dye one with indigo to make a blue on red design or purple on red using simple shibori techniques (Japanese resist dyeing) tying, wrapping with string and using little rubber bands. We will also dye the white scarves with indigo shibori designs.
We’ll be using an alum mordant with the cochineal which tends to make a purple crimson red which can be modified with acid to make it more of a scarlet red.
The indigo will be freeze dried natural indigo and we will try to reduce the vat to get the lighter blue which will be better for overdyeing to get deep purples on the red silk or yarns.
This is an interactive dye workshop so everyone must pitch in and stir the dyes as needed, wash all equipment used and participate in straining the hot liquids. I find that this is the best way to learn how to do this. There will be a handout with dye recipes so you can repeat this at home if you have an interest in doing that.
What to bring: As much fabric as possible to put into the indigo vat. Yarns to be dyed with cochineal. We will only be able to put one pound of yarn/silk in the cochineal dye pot. Rubber gloves & Glass jars if you have the interest in taking the leftover dye liquids home with you.
What to wear: Wear old clothes that you don’t mind getting stained with dye. You must wear closed shoes for the dyeing since we’ll be dyeing with hot liquids and we don’t want scalded feet!
Maximum students: 10
(4-hour class)
Insturctors: Deb Moroney & Patricia Galicia
Materials Fee - $8 per kit
This is a wet felting class.
Using a flat resist to lay down the wool fibers we will learn to use warm sudsy water and our hands to gently start the felting process. This then proceeds to the hard felting phase and then using our feet to shape the slippers into the final shape.
We will be using Navajo Churro wool fibers which felts readily and makes for sturdy and long lasting slippers.
Kits with enough fiber for one pair of slippers will be available for $8.00. Basic fiber colors come in white, fawn brown, light grey, dark grey and black. Dyed fibers and novelty yarns for embellishment will also be made available.
What to Bring: We are planning to work outside so bring your sunhat, sunscreen, bottled water and shoes and clothing that you can get wet.
Maximum students: 10
Instructor: Julie Drogsvold
Materials Fee: $10
If you’ve never spun before, or if you’d like to just freshen up your skills, this is for you. Participants will learn step by step how to make their very own yarn using a spinning wheel and wool. We will go through drafting, plying and finishing yarn, beginning to end.
Supplies/Equipment to bring to class:
Spinning wheel. (if you have any questions or concerns contact the instructor: A wheel can be rented for use during class, but will need to be arranged in advance.)
Lazy Kate
3 bobbins
Niddy Noddy (optional)
Wool and a few other surprise fibers will be included in materials cost.
Maximum students: 8
Instructor: Jill Holbrook
These were the very first spindles. They were used at least 20,000 years ago and they are still used in many countries now. Students may try several types of these.
Students may bring any supported spindle they have as well as fiber.
A supported spindle and fiber will also be provided
Instructor: Lisa Thompson
Materials Fee: $5
What most people hate most about weaving is warping the loom, right? Well, this easy class will show you how you can warp and weave at the same time using a triangle loom. Students will work together using two separate looms to create two different group projects.
Project ONE will use the Continuous Strand Technique to create a small shawl using just one ball of yarn.
Project TWO will use the Cut Strand Technique to create a small shawl with fringe and as many yarn and color changes as desired.
For both techniques, students will learn how to do the initial warp and weave, and how to remove the project from the loom when finished.
All materials needed for the class will be provided, including:
Crochet Hook
3-foot Tri-Loom rental
Tri-Looms will be available for purchase after the class.
Instructor: Darquis DeCoz
Materials Fee: $7
In this class students will begin to learn the art of knitting. They will learn the method of casting on and casting off. Students will learn the two basis stitches, the knit and the purl. During this class you will practice these two stitches.
The class will also cover many of the directional abbreviations used in knitting instruction and how they are performed. Teacher will also walk you through a simple knit pattern and give a short talk on the different types of needles and other tools and gadgets used in knitting.
Students will be provided with one pair of knitting needle and yarn to practice and work with.
Maximum student: 10
Instructor: Caroll Jones
Material fee: $15
Sashiko is a form of decorative reinforcement stitching from Japan that started out of practical need that has developed into an addictive embroidery art form.
A brief history of the technique will be followed by a demo of the stitch. We will talk about the designs and how they are transferred to fabric. There will be swatches of fabric supplied and each student will choose their design, transfer that design to fabric and begin to stitch.
Students need to bring only their enthusiasm to the class - everything you need will be included in your materials fee. The instructional kit contains Sashiko needle and thread, carbon paper and fabric.
Maximum students: 8
Instructor: Kathie Schroeder
Materials Fee: $20
In this class we will begin a small beaded bag and get some practice in using even count tubular peyote stitch. As students catch on to the technique we may be able to add in a 2 bead strap and some simpler forms of surface embellishment.
This project is shown with a yarn strap, a good use for thrums, but students will be encouraged to be creative and design their own strap. Focus will be on understanding the stitch and working on the bag.
Students may want to bring a portable work light (if there is power available), their glasses if they wear them, patience, and an open, relaxed mind.
Please note: Long fingernails could prove to be a problem.
Maximum students: 6
Class Descriptions - Sunday, June 13th, 2021
Materials Fees are payable to instructor at time of class
Instructor: Darquis DeCoz
Materials Fee: $20 per kit
This class will teach you how to secure pine needles to a piece of gourd to create a wonderful vessel. You will learn a simple stitch to wrap pine needles into a coil which will be attached to the gourd piece then onto themselves.
A piece of gourd shard will be pre-painted, prepared and ready for you to work with. A discussion on how to prepare this gourd shard will be explained in class. Teacher will provide pine needles, a gourd shard, needle and sinew, all you need is a creative mind and happy hands.
Students need to bring nothing but a creative mind and happy hands.
Kit includes: gourd shard painted and prepared, pine needles, needle and color choice of sinew.
No class limit
Instructor: Julie Drogsvold
Material Fee: $80
Have you always wanted to blend your own unique batts, but the prices for the name brand boards are too much? This is the solution. All participants will build their own blending board (14” x 20” with a 12” x 12” blending surface) in this class. The board will be permanent and yours and will bring you a lifetime of fun. No heavy lifting or power tools needed. We will then all use our new boards to create a one-of-a-kind batt, going over tips and tricks.
All materials to make the blending board are included in the class material fee.
However, if you have a special fiber you want to integrate into your blend please bring it with you. Additional fibers and colors will be included in materials cost.
Participants will need to contact the instructor by May 15th so supplies will be available.
E-mail her at:
Maximum students: 15
Instructor: Jill Holbrook
The suspended spindle is more commonly used by spinners now. We have wonderful spindle makers that create beautiful spindles.
Students may bring any Suspended spindle as well as fiber.
A suspended spindle and fiber will be provided.
Instructor: Joan Ruane
Materials Fee: $8
Learn how to warp and weave on a simple inkle loom. Basic pattern taught during the class and finished project can be used as a belt, hat band, guitar strap or maybe a camera strap.
Supplies/Equipment to bring to class:
Bring your own inkle loom & shuttle or use a class one.
A clamp to fasten down the inkle loom to the table.
Make sure you have the heddles made before coming to class if you bring your own. You need 45 heddles.
Materials fee includes: yarns and instruction sheet (if you need to borrow an inkle loom be sure to tell Joan on Saturday as there is a limit of 6 available)
Maximum students: 6 - more in you have your own inkle loom
Instructor: Nancy Wilson
Materials Fee: $10
In this class you will learn what spinning wheel ratios are, how to count them, and how to use them to your advantage to spin the yarn you want.
Supplies/equipment to bring to class:
Spinning wheel in good working order
All accessories you would bring to a spinning event
If your wheel has multiple flyers or whorls, bring them all
Fiber you are comfortable spinning.
Materials fee includes different types of fiber to try out.
Maximum students: 8
Instructor: Sylvia Griffin
Materials Fee: $5
This class is for those who have never crocheted, and want to begin. The guideline will be 3 crochet stitches and materials will be provided or you can bring your own string and yarn. You will make a small basket, and come away with the ability to make any size basket and other items in the round.
Embellishment will be covered and you can bring items you want to add to your basket, or some will be provided.
If you have a crochet hook bring it along, but one will be provided for your use.
Maximum students: 6
Instructor: Lindy Brigham
Materials Fee: $5 (printed manual)
Tunisian Crochet can be described as a cross between crocheting and knitting. There is a hook with a long needle and the stitches are alternately all crocheted onto the needle and then crocheted off. This class will start with an overview of the equipment and stitches, then students will practice the basics of beginning a piece and sampling several of the many stitches possible.
Supplies/Equipment to bring to class:
Tunisian crochet hooks and yarn. If students don’t have them, hooks will be available in class. Yarn will also be available.
Maximum Students: 6
Lindy Brigham
Lindy writes "I have been weaving for over 40 years, starting with a 4-harness loom and now often on a 4-inch pin loom. Figuring out how to piece together the 4” squares into garments and other items was a challenge. A couple of years ago I discovered Tunisian Crochet and it was a perfect companion technique. In the process of teaching myself the stitches, I created a bag from the sample pieces and I began making things just with Tunisian Crochet."
Darquis DeCoz
Darquis has been teaching for many years, starting with beadwork and wire work and evolving into silversmithing after studying two years at Prescott college. She has been sewing, crocheting and knitting from teenage years and a weaver for 15 years. She also enjoys tapestry weaving and enjoys working with yarns and roving, and using both Nuno and dry felting techniques.
Her latest pasion is pine needle basketry and gourd work. She has been perfecting her technique and now harvests her own pine needles. Darquis enjoys sharing knowledge and the joy and satisfaction of creating art.
Julie Drogsvold
Julie has been raising rabbits for over 30 years and about 15 years ago started her Angora herd. After learning to spin with her guild, there has been no looking back. Currently she shares her home in southern Arizona with two humans, 3 guinea pigs, 3 cats, 3 dogs, 14 chickens and 52 rabbits.
Patricia Galicia
Patricia is an avid fiber artist, knitter and wool maker from Bisbee and the creator of many felted dolls.
Sylvia Griffin
With a BA in Textile design from WWU in 1985 and a BFA in painting and 3-D sculpture from U of A in 2007, Sylvia says "I am constantly thinking of new ways to make things my own way".
Jill Holbrook
Passionate about spinning, knitting and other fiber arts, Jill enthusiastically shares her skills and knowledge with her students. Jill has taught spinning and knitting in classes across the USA and Canada. She is also a Master Spinner from Olds College.
Caroll Jones
Caroll's college major was art, and she has used that training in many forms, including fiber art. She fell in love with the Sashiko embroidery styles many years ago and loves sharing her knowledge for this unique fiber art form.
Deb Moroney
Deb Moroney has been raising NavajoChurro sheep in Cochise County, Arizona for the past 10 years. She has an online ETSY shop “Sky Island Girls” where she sells her Navajo-Churro wool yarns and roving and occasional finished products. Deb also dabbles in dyeing, weaving, sewing, cowboying, sailing and beer tasting.
Ric Rao
Ric has been involved in fiber arts for more than 40 years. Handspinning in 1975, then experimenting with natural dyes and weaving. In 2000 he started a dye garden in Las Cruces, New Mexico and has been giving natural dye workshops throughout the southwest for 14+ years. Ric is also a certified Yarn and Fleece Judge and has judged yarns and fleeces at many local shows and fairs throughout the Southwest. He's been the superintendent of the fleece show in Taos, New Mexico since 2015 and assisted at the NY Sheep and Wool Festival at Rhinebeck in 2014. Ric is currently working on the Master Spinner Program from Olds College and put together a handbook for teaching Handspun Yarn and Fleece Judging for the Southwest Spinners Handspun Judging committee; he's also published an article on dyeing cotton for Ply Magazine, Spring 2016 issue.
Joan Ruane
First a professional teacher and then a spinner, Joan Ruane has been teaching spinning classes throughout the U.S., Canada, UK , Australia and New Zealand since 1980. Active in local and regional Guilds, she has also owned and operated fiber shops in both Florida and Arizona.
Joan has published cotton newsletters, written articles for fiber magazines and has published two DVD: Cotton "Spinning Made Easy" and "Cotton Spinning With A Takli". She has re-published "Hand Spinning Cotton" by Harry and Olive Linder, bringing it up to date with modern techniques. In 2015 Joan published the much needed “Beginning Cotton Spinning on the Wheel” workbook. Her DVD’s can be streamed through
Kathie Schroeder
Kathie says "I have been beading for as long as I can remember. Focusing on Peyote stitch for the past who knows how many years I love doing beaded sculpture and portraits and also interpreting classic weaving techniques. I worked in a bead store for about 6-8 years and taught all the popular beading techniques. I was also the Technical Editor for Beadwork Magazine in its earliest days. Beads are my thing!"
Lisa Thompson
Lisa Thompson is owner of Thunder Mountain Alpaca Ranch in Hereford, AZ. She has been living in Cochise county for 18 years, raising alpacas for 9, and a member of the Bisbee Fiber Arts Guild for 7 years. Lisa is STILL learning to spin, loves to weave and do any fiber arts that doesn’t require following a pattern. She attends the local Farmer’s Markets, hosts ranch tours at Thunder Mountain, hosts on AirBNB and Harvest Hosts, and in her free time is Single Mom to a beautiful teenage daughter.
Nancy Wilson
Nancy Wilson began spinning shortly after she and her husband Chris acquired their first llamas in 1988, followed by an alpaca in 1993. In 1988 she had an “aha” moment: “These llamas have fiber on them; I need to learn to spin it.” With an educational background in textiles and clothing, spinning seemed a logical next step. Nancy completed her Master Spinner Certification through Olds College in Canada, and her In Depth Study covered blending double-coated llama fiber. She enjoys sharing her passion for fiber with others through programs and workshops.